If you need to see which of your broadband services can get an upgrade, just go to the new Broadband Upgrades report and you will see a full list of services that can benefit from better speed and stability using a newer access technology. Go to Orders > Broadband Upgrades to see a full list. Then just click on the name of the technology available alongside the connection you wish to upgrade to jump straight into a streamlined ordering process.

Additionally, if you see any connection eligible for an upgrade in the list view for Services, you can start the upgrade process using the Up arrow button on the right. Likewise when you are looking at a service in the detail view, you will see a link in the Requests section on the right labelled "Upgrade service to xxxx". Again, just click the link to get started with your upgrade.

Lastly, when searching the list of services, you can set the option in the Status field to Upgrade Available. This allows you to perform a custom search for specific services (maybe for a certain client) that can be upgraded.